About me

Hao Wang (王昊)

Master candidate in Computer Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Beijing Normal University. .

Personal Website: Hao Wang’s Homepage .

GitHub: Hao Wang’s Github.

Looking for a CS/ECE/Bioengineering PhD position since 2021 fall in US!

Brief Biosketch

Hao Wang, M.E. Candidate, is the postgraduate student of Computer Science Application. He is with the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Beijing Normal University. Wang holds a B.E. in Computer Science and Techonolgy from Anhui Normal University (2014-2018), and has been on postgraduate student at Beijing Normal University since then.

Wang is a member of Li’s BCI Lab (Brain-Computer-Interface), which aim to help restore lost motor function to people with paralysis. Our research focus on Brain-Computer-Interface technology and related neuroscience issues, including real-time decoding algorithms for motor cortex neural signals. In our lab, we use Plexon Omniplex to record Macaque’s neural signal and decode its motor intention on the computer screen. Personally, I am interested in Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning, Neural Computation .

He is now seeking a computer science's PhD position in the U.S. in Fall 2021.

If you want to know more about me, please feel free browsing my website or checking out my CV here: Hao Wang’s CV.


(I am operating on a monkey for researching)

BCI Group(Dr.LiZheng is in the middle)

(Some members of BCI Group(Dr.Li Zheng was in the middle wearing red academic cloth, I was in the right side))



​ Room 208, the Red House

Beijing Normal University

​ No. 19, XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District,

​ Beijing 100875, P. R. China


​ Hao.Wang{at}mail.bnu.edu{dot}cn

Full Biosketch


Wang attended the Anhui Normal University from 2014-2018, received his B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering, and is pursuing M.E. in Computer Applied Technology at Beijing Normal University (advisor Zheng Li, PhD) from 2018. He is with the State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning and, by courtesy, of IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research.


Wang is a member of Li’s BCI Lab (Brain-Computer-Interface) at Beijing Normal University, where his group conducts neuroscience and neuroengineering research to better understand how the brain controls movement and to design medical systems to assist those with movement disabilities. His neuroscience research investigates the neural basis of movement preparation and generation using a combination of electrophysiological, behavioral, computational and theoretical techniques. His neuroengineering research investigates the design of high-performance neural prosthetic systems, which are also known as brain-computer interfaces and brain-machine interfaces. These systems translate neural activity from the brain into control signals for prosthetic devices, which assist people with paralysis by restoring lost function. This work includes statistical-signal processing, machine learning, low-power circuits and real-time system modeling and implementation.

Work/Internship Experience

He was an intern of Key Laboratory of Civil Aviation Data Communication and New Navigation System at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2018.

He was a group member of Anhui Provincial Key Laboratory of Network and Information Security from 2017-2018.

Relevant Courses

  • Strong mathematical and computational training: probability and statistics, Bayesian modeling, machine learning, reinforcement learning/dynamic programming, calculus, linear algebra. stochastic processes (Markov process, Poisson process, Gaussian process, etc.), information theory.

  • Fluency in MATLAB programming, and have done coursework in psychology, cognitive science and neuroscience.

  • Research experience in behavioral experiments and brain imaging.

  • Being committed to applying rigorous, quantitative tools to modeling cognitive and neural processes, as well as carrying out human behavioral experiments and collaborating with other human or animal research laboratories.


  • Programming Language: MATLAB, C++, Python, $\LaTeX$, HTML, R
  • Modeling and Analysis: TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, Pytorch, Scikit-learn
  • Software/System: Linux, Git, MATLAB parallel computing cluster, Docker
  • Surgical Technique: Primate Electrode Implantation Surgery
  • Neurobiological Technique: Monkey Training, Electrophysiology Experiment, MRI Experiment


  • Mandarin (native)
  • English (fluent, working language, TOEFL 93)

Curriculum Vitae

If you are interested in my field or would like to make friends with me, I would be delighted.

Please contact : Hao.Wang{at}mail.bnu.edu{dot}cn .
